Autonomous Exploration in Indoor Environments using Frontier Based Exploration Strategies

I completed this project during my Researh assistantship at the Kumar Robotics lab at UPenn

We developed Frontier Based Exploration for Small Agile Quadrotors.

These Quadrotors are placed in an unknown indoor environment (commercial spaces) and are then required to explore these spaces to create a robust 2D occupancy grid of these environments.

Frontier Based exploration, requires the maintainence of a 2D occupancy grid representation of the environment (alternately a 3D voxel grid)

Frontiers can then be defined as the boundaries between the explored (known) areas of the map and the unexplored (uncertain) areas of the map

At every exploration step we rank these frontiers based on some heuristic and navigate towards the larges frontier.

Folowing are some of the videos of the system in simulation.


Visualization of the Exploration Process


Distributed Environment Setup

We used this framework to generate a dataset of partial occupancy grids during exploration for another learning based project

For this I adapted the Frontier Based Exploration code to run on the MORSE Simulator

Following figures show this environment and simultaneous independent atrvs exploring their surroundings.
